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Heather & Fred's Castle and Coast Sesh

Dear Fred & Heather - THANK YOU!

Dear friends,

These two were AMAZING. Fred was a ham for the camera and Heather was up for literally anything. I couldn't have asked for a sillier first time couples shoot. We started in the ruinous cathedral and worked our way around the town down to the beach and over some pretty precarious rocks and then accidentally through some large tidal pools. Their chance meeting - Fred was vacationing and Heather was just passing through a random city on a layover on her way back to University - ended in the best way possible. Read: Heather was making dinner in her hostel on an extended layover, and when she went to the cafeteria to actually eat, the ONLY seat left was next to Fred! She'd just had other guests in the hostel try to befriend her and invite her to their table in what can only be described as STRANGE and she was a little wary when she sat down next to this stranger. As they told me their story, Heather laid down the big details and Fred jumped in (perfectly timed might I add) with little memories about the specifics. To say they complement each other when telling that story would be an understatement. They love they have for each other and the light heartedness they have in their relationship was evident from the way they told their story together. Here are a few moments from our lil' journey around the beach.

*NOTE* the dog belongs to neither of them, he was just keen to get in a photo!

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